Xtratime Soccer Locker & Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. announce a 3-year sponsorship
XSSL, Saskatoon's specialty soccer store that has all the equipment you need for the soccer season, and SYSI, the home of the Alliance PSL teams, announced a 3-year financial sponsorship of the Saskatoon Alliance PSL teams.
The sponsorship allows SYSI to make high level soccer more affordable for over 100+ players from Saskatoon and surrounding areas. It provides financial assistance for youth teams to compete against players across the province in the Saskatchewan Soccer Association's PSL.
Xtratime Soccer Locker owner Shaun Eaton, says “It’s an honour to come on board and to be part of the Saskatoon Alliance”.
SYSI's Program Coordinator Dan Kelly, says "With 110 players taking part across five teams this outdoor season, XSSL's contribution will benefit many players across the city helping them access and play the beautiful game. We are very grateful to XSSL and pleased to be continuing our partnership them."
The PSL season kicks off on May 18th and will wrap up in Regina the weekend of July 24th. For more information about PSL visit