Two weeks ago, Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. (SYSI) received notice from the City of Saskatoon that due to COVID-19, all city field usage is restricted until the end of June, and could be extended further upon guidance from the Government of Saskatchewan. The City of Saskatoon's announcement, coupled with Canada Soccer's countrywide suspension of sanctioned soccer activity, the Saskatchewan government's current restricted gathering size of 10 people, and recent discussions of returning to normal being a gradual approach; it is not advisable nor feasible to carry out the existing outdoor season slated for May and June.
Based on the above information, SYSI has made the challenging yet necessary and unprecedented decision to cancel the existing May-June Outdoor Soccer Season for all Under-5 through Under-19 leagues registered with our member Zones and Community Associations. SYSI's main focus at this time is the well-being and safety of our soccer families. The decision to cancel the existing spring Outdoor Soccer Season is intended to support the overall goal of maintaining safety and helping us get back on the fields at a later yet to be determined date.
At the moment, no decision has been made by Saskatchewan Soccer Association with respect to the Provincial Soccer League (PSL) season and Canada Soccer will be reaching a decision by June 30 whether youth club nationals shall occur in October 2020.
In the event that the city field restrictions are lifted, allowable gatherings are increased, and Canada Soccer lifts suspension of soccer activity, SYSI will be prepared to offer return to play scenarios for alternate summer programming which could begin as early as July. We look forward to working with our members to gather important feedback around alternate programming and ask that you please complete this quick 3-minute SYSI Summer Programs Survey which will remain active until April 30. In an effort to ensure everyone receives this important survey opportunity, we have asked that our Community and Zone Associations include it in any additional communications, as such families may receive it more than once.
Over the next month, Zones and Community Associations will begin the process of refunding spring registration fees and/or providing a credit option for future programming. We ask that you please exercise patience and understanding toward your association as they process these transactions.
Registration for the fall/winter is currently scheduled to open in August for the upcoming Indoor Soccer Season 2020-21 which traditionally runs from October through March. Once registration opens those interested are to register through their Zone (U7-U19) or Community Association (U5-U9).
SYSI wishes to express sincere gratitude to our Zone and Community Association volunteers for their tireless efforts and to our participants and their families for their patience and understanding. We wish you all good health and safety as we work through these challenging circumstances and look forward to reuniting on the pitch as soon as it is safe to do so.
League Finals: City League U11-U19 & Alliance League U13-U19
Saskatoon Sports Centre & Saskatoon Henk Ruys Soccer Centre