COVID-19 Positive & Close Contacts

Jan. 10, 2022

Dear parents and caregivers,

Due to recent changes to provincial testing and case management guidelines (please click on link to read about the changes). Persons who have received a positive COVID-19 test using the home tests (rapid antigen tests) are not required to get a PCR test to confirm the home test. However, they must immediately begin isolating as they are considered COVID positive. With the decrease in PCR testing, SYSI is unlikely to receive information about isolation dates from the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Notification from SYSI should be considered notification of a positive case.

When a player or team personnel tests positive:
When a positive case is identified using a rapid antigen test, and the individual attended a soccer game or practice within 48 hours of testing positive, parents/caregivers are required to notify their TEAM COACH as well as the SYSI OFFICE immediately by filling in the online form at  - updated Jan 14/22 (new online form process)
      o The revised provincial Public Health Orders requires notification of close contacts.
      o Any information provided is considered private and treated as such. The only information that will be shared is the fact an individual on a soccer team or training group tested positive and the date SYSI received notification.
SYSI will send a notification to the team or training group with information about self-isolation and possible exemptions to isolation.
Unless you are notified of specific changes, soccer activities for your team or training group will continue.

When your team is notified of a COVID-19 exposure during a recent soccer event:
If a player or team personnel member were not at the soccer event on the date of the exposure, they are free to continue soccer activities so long as they are not experiencing symptoms, have not tested positive for COVID-19, nor been deemed a close contact in any other situation that requires them to self-isolate (home setting, school, work, other activity, etc.). - updated Jan 12/22 (added new point for clarification)
Fully vaccinated individuals who have tested negative and are not experiencing any symptoms may continue practicing or attending games. - updated Jan 11/22 (removed asymptomatic wording)
Non-vaccinated (including those who have had one or two doses but have not reached their 14 days following their second dose) individuals must isolate from their soccer activities for 10 days from the date of the exposure, regardless of testing negative at home.
Symptomatic individuals vaccinated or not are to self-isolate and get tested. Those who are fully vaccinated and test positive are to self-isolate from soccer for five (5) days or 48 hrs after symptoms have ended whichever is longer. Those not fully vaccinated and test positive are to self-isolate from soccer for ten (10) days or 48 hrs after symptoms have ended whichever is longer.
Minimum number of players: You must have a minimum of four (4) fully vaccinated players for 6v6 or six (6) fully vaccinated players for 9v9 in order to continue with any scheduled games for the next 10 days - otherwise the team will forfeit the game with no forfeit fee. Fully vaccinated individuals have tested negative and are not experiencing any symptoms. Use of affiliate or permit players is strongly discouraged at this time. - updated Jan 11/22 (removed asymptomatic wording)
Rescheduling: As long as the SYSI Office is provided seven (7) days’ notice of a game in which the minimum number of players is not available during the 10 day isolation period, the game will be rescheduled by SYSI at no additional charge to the team.
If you would like rapid antigen test kits for your family, please contact your school or city public library. As always, this process is subject to change if provincial processes and/or Public Health Orders change.
The flowchart below, from the Government of Saskatchewan, helps explain isolation requirements for close contacts. Learn more on the Government of Saskatchewan’s website.

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