Indoor 2020-21 Frequently Asked Questions
- What should participants bring with them to games and/or training sessions?
- Are all games 6v6 on a smaller field?
- Can I watch my child play soccer?
- I have seen signs advertising "Live Barn" around the facilities, what is Live Barn?
- Are masks required?
- What is the difference between non-medical and medical masks?
- Can participants register for a Zone and another affiliated soccer organization (i.e academy)?
- Can coaches play and/or coach in more than one mini league/bubble
- How is the league addressing additional safety precautions during COVID-19?
- What is the current policy on masks at the Soccer Centres?
- What if I have medical or human rights accommodation that exempts me from wearing a mask (Saskatoon Soccer Centres)?
- What changed regarding masks and social distancing on the sidelines?
- Where can I find more information on Dr. Shahab's recommendations?
- Is there a choice between distancing or masking while on the sidelines?
- Do they have to remain 6 fee apart on the field as well?
- What's the difference if they wear them sitting down 6ft from other but not while running, touching and breathing on others?
- How will players carefully remove, store and put a mask back on without just tossing it beside water bottles on the turf?
- I see people in green shirt's spraying the field and other areas of the facility all the time. They look like "ghostbusters", what are they spraying, and should I be worried?
- Why aren't outside food and drinks allowed in either of their facilities?
- Why can't I take food or drinks out of the restaurant/lounge and watch games and practices?
- How early can we come to the Soccer Centres?
- How fast do we need to leave the field one our game ends?
- Soccer Centre staff seem to be asking us to leave the field and the building very quickly after the game, is this right?
- What is the deal with dressing rooms? Can we change in them?
- What should I do if I see someone not following the rules as described?
- Who makes the rules for the Soccer centres? Who is the governing body and accountable for decisions made?
- How do I register my child for Indoor Soccer?
1. What should participants bring with them to games and/or training sessions?
- A cloth/soccer bag that can contain the following items:
- Flat-soled shoes (ie runners or indoor soccer shoes) or soccer cleats (no metal cleats). Flat-soled shoes will be needed if playing on tile surfaces which include all fields located at the Saskatoon Kinsmen Henk Ruys Soccer Centre as well as the Family Focus field located at the Saskatoon Sports Centre.
- A closed mouth water bottle (sharing of water bottles is not permitted). Water fountains at the soccer centres will only have bottle filling capabilities.
- A ziploc bag with their name on it which contains tissues, masks, closed mouthed water bottles, hand sanitizer, band aids (for minor cuts) and medication (if required). No other personal items will be allowed.
- Shin guards, soccer uniform, and training clothes - with two sets of shirts. All clothing needs to be washed immediately after each game or training session.
2. Are all games 6v6 on a smaller field?
- With guidelines from the Government of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Soccer’s current advice indicating that soccer can operate in Phase 3. These guidelines stipulate that games can be played in a small sided format up 7v7. SYSI U5 programming will be 3v3, U7 programming will be 4v4, U9 programming will be 5v5, and U11-U19 programming will be 6v6. The 6v6 format has been a consistent format for quarter field games for soccer in prior seasons while 3v3 to 5v5 formats are played on half of field.
- Zones that have opted for in-house leagues may choose to vary the format of play but cannot go over the 6v6 format indicated in the SYSI Return to Play Plan.
3. Can I watch my child play soccer?
- Yes! However, because of the indoor gathering sizes at 30 persons, attendance is limited to one person per household/athlete. Parents/Caregivers are discouraged from bringing other children to games and training sessions to comply with these numbers and maintain social distancing measures.
- You will need to check-in with your child’s team coach or manager upon arrival for contact tracing and attendance purposes.
- The Soccer Centre has installed Live Barn to live stream the games. All that is to download the app, pay a nominal monthly subscription fee, and all family members can enjoy the games from the comfort of your home or vehicle.
4. I have seen signs advertising "Live Barn" around the facilities, what is Live Barn?
- Live Barn is paid subscription service that coaches, family members, and players can use to view live games at either of our facilities. Anyone with a subscription can view the games/practices being played. Please see for more information and be sure to use the code da07-ud83 and dave 10% on your subscription.
5. Are masks required?
- All persons entering the soccer centres must wear a mask and only players and referees may remove their mask when they are participating in the on-field activity. Masks will be available for purchase at both facilities if a participant, referee, or spectator does not have one.
- Updated 10/15/20 - Players are to wear their mask upon entering the soccer centre until they reach the field of play, and when they exit the field.
- Coaches, spectators, as well as Parent and Tot Parent/Caregiver participants are always to keep their mask on.
- There are three types of masks referenced in this document. Certain situations call for specific mask types (i.e. if coaching or playing in multiple bubble/mini leagues). Below are the differences between them:
- Non-medical masks are usually homemade or cloth masks and should be worn while maintaining social distancing measures. These masks can be worn multiple times but need to be washed between each use
- Medical masks -surgical and procedural - are the blue masks medical professionals wear during medical procedures or doctor visits. A procedure mask has the ear loops, whereas a surgical mask uses ties rather than ear loops to secure the mask. Both types of medical masks are single use and need to be disposed of after each use.
- The soccer centres will be evaluating the need for this requirement throughout the progression of the indoor season.
6. What is the difference between non-medical and medical masks?
- Non-medical mask are usually homemade or cloth masks and should be worn while maintaining social distancing measures. These masks can be worn multiple times but need to be washed between each use.
- Medical masks -surgical and procedural - are the blue masks medical professionals wear during medical procedures or doctor visits. A procedure mask has the ear loops, whereas a surgical mask uses ties rather than ear loops to secure the mask. Both types of medical masks are single use and need to be disposed of after each use.
7. Can participants register for a Zone and another affiliated soccer organization (i.e. academy)?
- As per SSA guidelines, although it is highly discouraged, however, players may partake in more than one bubble/mini league operating up to and including Phase 3 in SSA’s Return to Play Plan. Players and parents/caregivers must ensure that stringent safety practices are upheld by these participants. For more information on the phases of play, please see the SSA Return to Play Plan here. Ensure you check with the academy or soccer group you are registering with to see what Phase their program will be operating in prior to registering with more than one soccer organization.
8. Can coaches play and/or coach in more than one mini league/bubble?
- As per SSA guidelines, SYSI coaches may coach and/or play in more than one bubble/mini league only under the following conditions:
- The coach maintains 2 metres social distancing at all times and wears a nonmedical mask, OR;
- If the coach cannot maintain social distancing at all time, they must wear medical (surgical or procedural) mask.
- If these conditions cannot be met coaches cannot be involved with more than one bubble/mini league.
9. How is the league addressing additional safety precautions during COVID-19?
- Saskatoon Youth Soccer is committed to putting the safety of participants first. Since the beginning of the pandemic, SYSI has been working closely with the Saskatchewan Soccer Association who have been providing guidance from the Government and the Business Response Team on providing the safest possible plan and guidelines when returning to soccer. For more information on the safety procedures and guidelines for the upcoming Indoor Soccer Season please see Saskatoon Youth Soccer’s - Indoor 2020-21 - Return to Play Plan.
10. What is the current policy on masks at the Soccer Centres?
- As of Nov 13, 2020, masks are mandatory everywhere in their facilities except for the restaurant/lounge. Please expect their Service Team staff to remind you at the entrance and throughout the facility of this requirement. They understand there are different views on mask wearing but their focus is to keep their members and guest playing on the field.
11. What if I have medical or human rights accommodation that exempts me from wearing a mask (Saskatoon Soccer Centres)?
- First and foremost, their front-line staff have been instructed to maintain a 100% compliance. They understand it may be initially frustrating, but they ask that you comply and make it easy on our Service Team. They are doing what they have been asked to do. Therefore, if you have exemption you will need to contact their management team and discuss your specific situation. Call their office at 306-975-3401 during office hours and request a private meeting to see if you accommodations can be made. They also now have Live Barn which is a subscription-based program you can watch on your phone or home computer. Please ask their Service Team for more information or go to
12. What changed regarding masks and social distancing on the sidelines?
- Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. (SYSI) has taken note of recent recommendations from Saskatchewan's Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Shahab and we have updated our Return to Soccer Plan regarding the wearing of masks on the sidelines during games. In addition to players wearing masks upon entering the building until they reach their field of play, SYSI is now mandating all players to wear their mask and ensure they are remaining six feet a part while they are on the sidelines during their soccer activity. Players should be wearing their masks from the time they enter the soccer centre up until they are on the field playing in a game or practicing. Masks must be worn on the sidelines along with social distancing and within the Green Rooms (dressing rooms).
13. Where can I find more information on Dr Shahab's recommendations?
- On Fri Nov 13, Dr Shahab hinted further restrictions on sports may come out this week if the numbers don't improve. He specifically cautioned the following three areas:
1. If you're waiting for your turn to play, do you keep that distance? Do you keep your mask on?
2. Are you operating as per the mini-league guidelines? If you play three sports, you should probably just play one. We need to think very consciously about how we can participate as safely as possible, in the minimum number of sports for ourselves and our children, for the next little while.
3. The virus most often spreads before or after games, when people are socializing.
14. Is there a choice between distancing or masking while on the sidelines?
- The SYSI Return to Soccer Plan nor recommendations from Dr Shahab imply a choice between the two. SYSI has mandated both to occur within the SYSI leagues. We are trying to take as many measures as possible to keep kids safely playing on the pitch during a pandemic which is seeing daily alarming rates of cases.
15. Do they have to remain 6 feet apart on the field as well?
- No this added measure of safety is only when on the sidelines waiting for your next shift to get back on the field.
16. What's the difference if they wear them sitting down 6 ft from others but not while running, touching and breathing on others?
- It is believed this preventative measure will help by decreasing the length of exposure between participants. Coming in close contact during a game happens in seconds whereas sitting next to each other on a bench occurs in minutes. We want to help decrease the overall minutes of exposure.
17. How will players carefully remove, store, and put a mask back on without just tossing it beside water bottles on the turf?
- SYSI is relying on parents to help educate their children by ensuring they know how to properly remove, store and put on a mask. Here is a 2min video on How to Put on and Take off Mask >>>
- Clean your hands before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off.
- Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin.
- Parents are to send a ziplock or paper bag labelled with child’s name along with a spare mask and hand sanitizer. Team personnel are to help reinforce the added measures. Participants should be storing their mask in a ziplock bag with their name labeled on the bag next to their belongings when they are actively participating on the field and putting the mask back on while social distancing on the sidelines.
18. I see people in green shirt's spraying the field and other areas of the facility all the time. They look like "ghostbusters", what are they spraying, and should I be worried?
- Absolutely no worry at all. They looked long and hard for a chemical compound that, when diluted with water, is not a) harmful to breath, b) does not irritate skin or eyes and c) dries within minute with no wet residue. The investment into this chemical technology was expensive but we deemed it necessary to protect their staff, members, and guests - both from COVID-19 and collateral exposure.
- At Henk Ruys, they went one step further and use a food grade Hydrogen Peroxide that eliminates the virus and is safe for the small children playgroup toys used each day.
- If you want more information, the Service Team has copies of the MSDS sheets or digital links they can email you - just ask them!
19. Why aren't outside food and drinks allowed in either of their facilities?
- Truth is, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, outside food and drinks were only permitted at specific times. With COVID-19, and the current Public Health order, there is zero tolerance for one simple reason - masks need to be worn %100 of the time now and one cannot eat or drink without removing your mask.
20. Why can't I take food or drinks out of the restaurant/lounge and watch games and practices?
- The current Public Health Order requires 100% mask compliance in our facility everywhere except the restaurant/lounge and on the playing fields. The restaurant and lounge fall under different public orders and therefore can allow unmasking while seated at tables eating or drinking .
21. How early can we come to the Soccer Centres?
- SSC (Nelson Road) - Teams are encouraged to enter the building no more than 10 minutes before your game and go directly to the "Green Room" or field if its ready. Congregating in the lobby commons area is not permitted. The green rooms will all have been disinfected after the last use, is closer to their field of play, and empties the commons area helping to keep crowding down.
- SHRSC (Primrose Drive) - Again, teams may come no more than 10 minutes early and proceed directly to the dressing rooms.
22. How fast do we need to leave the field once our game ends?
- 5 minutes is an acceptable amount of time once the game ends to have a quick team chat, put on your outdoor boots, and start heading off the field. However, any request by the Soccer Centre staff to move or vacate the fields need to be adhered to immediately.
23. Soccer Centre staff seem to be asking us to leave the field and the building very quickly after the game, is this right?
- Yes, with the COVID the way it is right now, the less people in the building, the better. It is the crowding and lingering in the common areas that put us at the greatest risk according to OH & S recommendations. Head to the restaurant/lounge where they have specific protocols, or just head home as quickly as possible. Thank you.
24. What is the deal with dressing rooms? Can we change in them?
- SSC (Nelson Road) - We are using the dressing rooms as "Green Rooms", basically meeting rooms 10 min before booking time to team discussion. We need all players to come dressed, so changing shoes is all that needs to be happen. Teams must take all their belongings with them to the field as teams cannot return to Green Rooms after their game/practice.
- SHRSC (Primrose Drive) - We have a little more flexibility at Henk Ruys where can we have teams change and leave their belongings in their dressing rooms and may return to them after their game/practice. Teams have 5-10 minutes to gather their things and exit the building or go to the lounge/restaurant. No showers allowed, of course. Please note that dressing rooms remain unlocked but any team can request our staff to lock them during the games.
- Very Important
- Changing shirts and bottoms anywhere in our facilities other than Dressing Rooms. Just shoes please. There are many people in the building watching and we want to respect everyone. Please use good judgement.
- Green/Dressing rooms are not classified as designated exercise areas, as such the Public Health order of mandatory mask use within indoor public places includes green rooms.
25. What should I do if I see someone not following the rules as described?
- If comfortable, you can simply just remind the individual - especially if you know them. Alternatively, they ask that you speak to their Service Team (anyone in a green shirt) and give them the details. They will begin the procedure they have in place at SSCI. As this point, they trust anyone not following their protocol is simply forgetting and just needs a reminder. If it's intentional and ongoing, we do reserve the right to go as far as to halt the practice/game until the situation is resolved. In short, let us work together and not punish the teams!!
26. Who makes the rules for the soccer centres? Who is the governing body and accountable for decisions made?
- Saskatoon Soccer Centre Inc. (SSCI) is a not-for-profit corporation operating two soccer centres in Saskatoon. We are not owned or operated by the City of Saskatoon
- SSCI is governed by a board of directors appointed by our two members, Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc, and Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc. In turn, our board appoints a CEO who is responsible for management and operations.
- Our two members must abide by Provincial & National requirements for return to play. Therefore, our two facilities must comply with the minimum requirements of our two members. This means our other guests (ball hockey, lacrosse, volleyball etc.) must also abide by these same rules - otherwise we must shutdown our facilities
27. How do I register my child for Indoor soccer?
- If your child is born between 2012-2016, they can play soccer either through a Community Association or through a Zone Association in the development program. For more information about the programs click here.
- If your child is born between 2011 - 2002 they can play soccer through a Zone Association.
- Registration typically takes place from beginning of August to early September and dates/locations vary depending on which Community Association or Zone you are registering with.
- For more information on which community associations are participating in you can visit the Saskatoon Youth Soccer website registration page here.